“There are a bunch of administrators in the building today.” My coworker warned me seeing that I was sitting down at the front desk, worried I’d get scolded.

“What’s he going to do? Fire me?” We both chuckled, knowing I was only 3 shifts away from my last day by that point.

Honestly with how busy everyone’s summer was, he couldn’t afford to fire me. I was the only person available for the Saturday shift. Which is my final weekend opening to close shift.

But seriously my back hurt. I needed to rest it for only a few moments. All the other receptionists got to sit down at their stations in the building. Why was it such a big deal that we not sit? Because we are a gym and not necessarily a medical clinic despite our health and medical focus? Still didn’t track.

So here it is. Saturday morning. After today I only have two more shifts at the gym and then I’ll be at the museum all the time, which I’m quite happy about. I was even telling my therapist how it felt good to have some sovereignty back. Some power in my corner since my days here are numbered and I can definitely say no to a few things here and there. As long as I don’t slack on my duties I feel like I’ll finish strong.

My mom always told me to do that. To finish strong. She said that to me all through my school career and then continued to say it into my adulthood when I was moving from one job to another when the desire to be more lax on things would tempt me. I had no desire to end poorly, but I definitely felt I needed to let a few things go here and there. To pick my battles so-to-speak.

So I let go.

People would be upset about something on their member accounts and I felt more empowered to just tell them like it is than I did before. People were rude and I felt better about calling them out on it. I mean they signed contracts…and it’s not my job to babysit and hand hold over 1,000 members. Sometimes my hands are tied. Sometimes you just need to let people suffer through their own ignorance of the contract they signed.

They’re adults. They should know better.

So I’m taking the day in stride. I brought a book incase it gets slow. I have my phone charger incase I don’t want to read and just want to zombie scroll in the meantime. I’m practically counting down the moments to when I no longer have to worry about getting up to come to the gym and just focus on being one place for work and have time to take care of my own LLCs in my down time. Because I’ll actually have down time. Thank God.

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