Dystopian Workforce

I had not completely forgotten that customer service had its odd duck moments where customers complain about weird things. Yet, I had hoped that by the time I went back into the workforce, and the type of work I do now, would have changed the weirdness at least a little bit.

Of course, I was wrong.

This week I got bitched at for a door being locked that is always locked on weekends for security reasons because that section of the building is closed and unmanned, I got bitched at for not playing classical and opera music (I work at a fitness gym by the way), and I got bitched at because another male member of the gym won’t wear a towel in the sauna, even though he’s been wearing a swim suit (because sweat grosses the complaining member out and he doesn’t trust the suit to hold the sweat as much as a towel will).

That’s just this week of course.

There are also the usual complaints. Things like not wanting to wear masks in designated areas (we are attached to a medical center and masks are required in the medical hallways and rooms). Or that the music isn’t on in the pool area. Or that the music isn’t loud enough. Or that the TVs aren’t syncing to the audio devices on the workout equipment. Or the towels are over flowing in the locker rooms. Or they don’t like the terms of the contract.

You know, the usual things that on occasion I can do something about, or at least sympathize with the offended party.

I’ve found that my people pleasing traits tend to kick back in when things like this happen. Even my boss says that sometimes we just need to tell people they are wrong and need to go elsewhere, and she empowers us to do that if there is nothing further we can do for them or to refer them to her so she can tell them that. But, even empowered, the trauma I’ve suffered from past experiences in retail and customer service has conditioned me to bend over backwards to please the customers even when they’re wrong, and I have to fight the urge to just relent and give them whatever they want.

I’m not afraid of conflict of course, I’m sure I’ve mentioned that before, but this people pleasing tendency tends to make me feel like the bad guy when I do enforce the policies and rules that this new employer asks me to. Not just from getting bitched at which never feels good, but also because of conditioning. It opens my eyes to the abuses that I underwent in the past, not only from customers while working retail, but also from managers…especially when my past managers ignored the policies and just handed people what they wanted and built an atmosphere of inconsistency in policy holding, and then scolded us for passing a difficult customer off to them and not just giving the customer what they wanted. Like dealing with difficult customers isn’t their job…and neither is upholding company policies.

That major retailer I used to work for is no longer in existence by the way. Gee I wonder why?

The toxic message that “the customer is always right” has created an extremely volatile atmosphere in customer service, and the lack of consistency in upholding policies has really harmed not only employers and employees, but customers also.

One of the patterns I’ve found in customer service is that the wealthier customers (or those who want to be perceived as such) are the ones who want the discounts and fight to get things for free or for less much more aggressively than the blue collar person. This builds a rift between the classes and speaks volumes to the elitism forming in the customer service industry and increases the wealth and working class gap on a social level.

Are the blue collar workers happy to pay shipping and handling? Are they happy that there’s a service charge? No. They aren’t, but because they work hard for their money and realize everything costs something, they usually relent because of need for the product or service, or just choose to live without. In my experience The well-off (in this case from my experience, the doctors wives, the doctors, the car dealership owners, the high price tag real estate agents, and locally living politicians), complain until they get what they want or near to it even if they can afford it, (sometimes to the point of causing scenes involving tears or yelling and other commonly considered childish behavior) and never have to make the sacrifice to live without. They just get what they want if they are loud enough or make the situation uncomfortable enough.

Which makes not being easily made uncomfortable or afraid of conflict infuriating to them.

As this social gap widens, decent people, employees and customers alike, tend to start feeling alienated against. Customers start shopping at retailer not because they want to, but because they have to for continuity of parts, like styles, or necessary/contracted services and feel forced and unhappy. Employees stay in toxic jobs out of desperation for the money, or the insurance, and no longer believe in the service they provide because of the lack of consistency in the employer and the mistreatment they suffer at the hands of more entitled customers.

Thus the unhappy workforce, the dislike for Monday, and the general dystopian feel we currently have in a capitalist construct that is becoming more and more corporatist every day.

Card Pull

Sometimes I use Oracle and Tarot cards. A lot of people criticize me for that, and for a long time I’ve ben hesitant to speak about my use of cards, because I claim to be a Christian and many people look at this as a form of divination.

I do not believe these cards divine anything.

What I do believe is that I can use these cards to find a focus. My mind goes a mile a minute, and often trying to pin down the breeze swept post-it notes that are my brain, can be difficult. So, I use Tarot and Oracle cards to help me find a focus.

This year, I wanted to find a theme for what I wanted to overall focus on in 2022. A primary objective. So I did a single card pull to help me discover what sort of thing I should prioritize for myself this year.

Boy, was this one a heavy one for me. I almost put it back and gave it a big old NOPE. I mean, we all need a huge amount of healing from the trauma of the pandemic alone. For me, this card definitely speaks to some very personal things in this season of my life. So when I asked myself introspectively what I needed to prioritize this year and pulled this card…my answer came like getting hit over the head with a 2×4. God moves in mysterious ways, even when I don’t expect Them to.

So let me get vulnerable for a sec. 

I have not been taking good care of myself. Health wise. Mental health wise. Spiritually. All the things. I just haven’t. Why? Because burnout is real, for one. But overall? It’s because of my tendency towards perfectionism. 

There are not many things that make my perfectionist self rear it’s ugly head, but my health, my work, and my attitude are definitely things I tend to beat myself up over ALL THE TIME. I often find that my health burnout is caused by my disappointment that my body doesn’t do what I want it to do and when. Then, it becomes a vicious cycle of getting back on track then falling off the track because I just get so infuriated that I give up. 

If I am my greatest asset I need to heal from being my greatest hang up. 

That isn’t to say that I should give myself feedback. It’s being able to pair that feedback with grace that is the key. Criticism can helps us grow. Did I screw up? Yes. Can I become better or do better next time? Yes. Do I need to abuse myself over it? No. 

That’s what I intend to work on this year. What is it you need to heal from or work on in 2022?

New Year Feelings

I’ve really been feeling it lately. The lack of closeness I used to have with myself. I feel myself drifting outside of me and falling into those patterns of dissociation and destructive behavior. Most of it is stress, and the rest of it is burn out, but I’m doing all I can to prevail against the struggle.

I’ve taken steps to bring me back to me. Trying to do more mindfulness. Trying to do more grounding. Trying to invest in comforts and pleasures, though small and best fitted to my very busy lifestyle. I’ve downloaded 2 mindfulness apps to come to every day and build better habits. One is an affirmations app. The other is a gratitude app with some other encouraging content to help me goal set and habit form. So far I’m 2 days into those and hoping I can stick with the cycle. Trying to stay on top of all I’ve got going on as well as trying to monitor myself and my own feelings. trying to wear comfy fuzzy socks and clothing that is soft to the touch.

Lately, work has been stressful and my panic has been at an all time high. Anxiety met with discontentment about my life circumstances and debt have really gotten to me and made me feel like a failure even though I know I’m not.

Today I feel like all I am is brain fog and chaos. I can’t focus and I feel like I’m a bunch of little waifs and strays of thread running in all directions, not like in a tapestry, but like the bin of tangled and yet used yarn I have in the basement, needing to be unknotted and restrung into proper yarn balls. I keep breathing in hope that will help, but unfortunately the breaths only make me tired, and reiterate the shaky panic I feel about having to do yet another day of living in this crazy life I’ve made for myself the past few months between medical debt and just living with little money debt because I’ve often had to rely on a credit card.