It sounded like hard pounding on the front door. Three raps in succession. I peeked out the window but couldn’t see the stoop very well, but I saw no cars in the driveway, and I saw no cars on the street. All was quiet.

I assumed that it was probably my husband doing something in the basement since I had heard the vacuum running a few moment earlier.

It when he came up to the bedroom and asked if I stomped for him (something I do when I want to get his attention and yelling doesn’t work) we realized it was something else. I tried to get pants on as soon as I could and my husband went to the door to see who it was. He saw what I saw: nothing. No one on the porch. No cars. Nothing.

We turned on the yard lights and peered out into the yard. We looked out every window seeing if we could see anything or anyone.

There was nothing. We got a little spooked.

Of course, we didn’t want to feel scared, so we started rationalizing. With it becoming dark so early, it could have been kids. It could have been someone who realized they had the wrong house and hauled off. Could have been a crack head who ran after going for the thrill. Could have been paranormal, but why assume it was right away when it could have been any number of other things?

I burned sage through the whole house anyway.

In case of a physical cause, my husband took time to find the antique police baton his grandmother kept behind the register at the bar she owned back in Michigan before she retired. He placed it by the bedside, letting me know he was staying up a little longer to watch his shows, and would keep and eye and ear out for any funny business. I practically hugged the thing, but thankfully fell asleep quickly.

I heard nothing else all night.

Of course I’ve been spending the morning googling that three knocks at the door in quick and loud succession means. Of course none of it is very good, or rather a majority of things I see in the superstition aren’t very good. Usually it says something like someone you love will die, demons are trying to get in your house, or some other ominous meaning. Then of course there are the few places where it says that a loved on is trying to remind you they’re with you or that angels are trying to visit.

None of it makes me feel better of course. I don’t have time or desire for that.

I keep trying to think of reasonable explanations still. It could be that the front storm door got caught in the wind and just sounded like something it wasn’t. It could have been an animal, the deer in our neighborhood get really bold and if the front door flag moved and spooked one while it was exploring our front stoop it could have kicked the door. I mean I nearly hit them in my own driveway with my car with how bold and reckless they are when spooked.

Though my husband and I both experienced it and heard it, it still makes us feel like we’re a little nuts. Is someone trying to mess with us, and who have we made an enemy with? Is there something paranormal going on? Do we have hooligans in our yard? Are the deer organized now?

You can imagine the two of us having anxiety doesn’t help things.

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